Charism of Cursillo

Charism of Cursillo

Full Communion

by Charley Green on 05/03/11

In some Dioceses in the USA participation in the Cursillo three days is restricted by a rule that only persons in full communion with the Catholic Church may attend a Cursillo.  Is this a good idea or a bad idea?

Far away

by Charley Green on 04/25/11

Is it easier or harder to make friends with people in my parish or with people who do not go to church.

Far away

by Charley Green on 04/22/11

In "Study of the Charism" Juan Ruiz and Fr. Smith often refer to the above idea of the purpose of Cursillo.  Sr. Ruiz indicates the far away are people who do not go to Church or only go now and then or for "social" reasons.  How does this jibe with your experience of the Cursillo?

Far away

by Charley Green on 04/21/11

Eduardo says the Cursillo is intended preferentially though not exclusively for the far away.  What does this mean?